Friday, September 7, 2012

Sad Today

This post might be one that is all over the place, because that is just how I feel....all over the place.   I am just so so sad today.  I have cried at the drop of a hat about almost everything.  I am getting anxious about fall approaching.  I think I also literally do not know how I am going to handle the next few months.  I don't want to have to handle them.  I just want to hit fast forward and it is 2013.  I hear the anticipation is worse than the actual dates, which I hope is true because a day like today is so very draining.  It isn't like I suddenly missed Polly today.  I always think about her.  I wake up, make the bed and tuck her lovey and onesie I sleep with in the sheets, give her little box a kiss and start my day.  When I leave for work I say bye to her and always give her a kiss when I am coming or going.  At night I make sure the last thing I do is give her a kiss too.  And that is my routine.  In between I pray or talk to her and God, usually while I am getting ready or driving, whenever I am by myself.  I need those moments to feel like she is with me.  But it is still so hard.  My heart just hurts so bad.  I feel like to be out in public I have to wear this mask that shows I am ok, but I am not.  Then when I get home, I can take off the mask and cry as much as I want and it is ok.  In the NICU I was so up and down, obviously from what was going on but probably also from the physical stresses of having a baby.  To be honest I never knew what was to blame in those moments but I am sure it was a mixture.  But it was ok to cry one second and smile the next.  That was normal and accepted.  No one looked at you funny.  Back in the real world being a basket-case isn't normal.  There have been plenty of times in the grocery store I have about burst into tears and I am sure I look miserable.  Or I am at a store and may be just had a crying spell in my car so my face is all red.  You get weird looks, but I have to get it out and unlike being in the NICU, if I was doing that behind someone in the check out line they would surely think I am crazy.  The tough part, other than the obvious, is that I was not like this before.  I was genuinely happy, things didn't get me down.  Now it just seems like not only am I sad a lot but in a fog.  I can't think clearly or pay attention 100%.  I am just unable to focus.  I feel like my life is a movie and that I am playing this terrible part.  Every day I wake up and do it all over again.  I always thank God for another day, ask Him to kiss Polly for me, and talk with Him throughout the day to help me find strength, but I still have these really difficult days.  They just catch me by surprise some times but usually are followed by some more stable days so I will try to handle the emotions as they come hoping I will get a break in the near future.  Again sorry for being all over the place.  Just had to get some things out and work through them. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


  1. Hayley - allow every emotion and never apologize for them. You are amazing.

  2. Hayley - the one thing I always think about is something mom always told me - you never know the circumstances of what gets a person where they are. So even if those people are looking at you weird, who cares - you do what you need to do. They don't know what is going on in your life...the only person who knows that is you! Keep hanging in there and being strong - you are one of the strongest people I know! Lots of love :-)

  3. The emotions you are experiencing are true and real...such a loss has to affect every part of your life and your being. Never be ashamed of your are a loving mama that is experiencing the loss of your sweet girl. If your eyes are puffy and red...if you cry in the Winn what? It is in the dark corners of our lives where God sometimes touches us most deeply. You and Whit are in my prayers constantly. Better days are ahead...I promise you.
